Home buying Trends

home inspection interview

Before you buy that house, watch how a home inspection can save you.

 Summary of Private Property video transcription Discussion between Zamantungwa Khumalo (ZK) host of the Private Property Podcast and John Graham (JG) – of HouseCheck ZK: Good evening and welcome to episode 308 of the private property podcast. I’m your host.  If you’re joining us for the first time, welcome to the ODI daily properties show in […]

Before you buy that house, watch how a home inspection can save you. Read More »

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Job Creation in the property sector – Picking the low hanging fruit

John Graham (National Association of Building Inspectors of SA) Aug 2017 Within the giant property sector an opportunity has arisen to pluck some “low-hanging fruit” and meaningfully address the triple threats of unemployment, lack of transformation of the economy and disintegrating infrastructure. The asset value of the property sector is massive:  Last year the Property

Job Creation in the property sector – Picking the low hanging fruit Read More »

Zuma shakes up the estate agency industry

President Jacob Zuma has issued a proclamation switching control of the Estate Agent’s Affairs Board (EAAB) to Tokyo Sexwale, Minister of Human Settlements. Previously control and administration of the EAAB fell under the Department of Trade and Industry, which is also responsible for the Consumer Protection Commission.  In two related developments: Sexwale told Parliament recently

Zuma shakes up the estate agency industry Read More »

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