Technical Aspects of Home Inspections

Home inspectors depend on a vast technical knowledge in order to inspect homes. Here are some blog posts we have made on some of the things that home inspectors consider when they inspect properties.

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Tips for buying a renovated home

Are you about to buy a newly renovated home? If yes this …

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How to build a safe and stable boundary wall

When I was a small boy growing up on the outskirts of …

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Mould spores on bedroom ceiling

Understanding damp

Understanding Damp Damp damage to South African houses is one of the …

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What to Do When Tree Roots Crack Your Foundation 4303747 4601

Understanding cracks

Understanding cracks Home Inspectors are trained to classify cracks Most buildings crack, …

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wallpaper, antique, damaged

Black mould on ceilings and walls

HouseCheck home inspectors very often find black mould growing on the walls …

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10 Most Common Problems that estate agents, buyers and sellers should know about

10 Most Common Problems that estate agents, buyers and sellers should know …

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cape town bo kaap and lions head from dawes street large

Neighbours and building plan departures

Neighbours and building plan departures I had an interesting call from Brian …

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inspecting thatched roofs

Inspecting thatched roofs

Thatch specifications HouseCheck home inspectors take the following factors into account when …

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Testing dampness in a wall

How to diagnose damp problems

Damp damage to house walls is frequently encountered by HouseCheck inspectors.  HouseCheck …

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brick wall, wall, brickwork

Detecting the causes of damp

Damp, often in the corner of a room is sometimes seen by …

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roof, brick, roofing

Roof replacement or repair?

Roof replacement or repair Some older house roofs in South Africa  need …

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Cracked mortar on ridge capping

Bad mortar work on roof capping causes roof leaks

One of the most common problems found by HouseCheck inspectors when checking …

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