The Consumer Protection Act

The vast majority of home buyers are not protected by the consumer protection act as the sale of second hand properties are excluded in most instances. These blog posts look at some of the issues where protection is or is not offered.

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The cost of not getting your property inspected on time

Property transactions are complex and this was brought home recently when doing an inspection for a client. A young couple had bought a place from a …

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David vs Goliath – The Court of Public Opinion

A letter we addressed to estate agents on 20 November 2018 turned …

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File a complaint

Does the sellers declaration protect the buyer?

Does the sellers declaration protect the buyer? The Consumer Tribunal set up …

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Home owners not adequately protected by legislative requirements

Home owners not adequately protected by legislative requirements Properly anchoring the roof …

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Cartoon of Minister Nhleko advising Mantashe that further money is needed to finish the presidential compound at Nkandla.

Building? Immediately cut the stress by inspecting

It would seem that nobody is exempt from being ripped off by …

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Limitations of a home inspection – CYA’s

Home inspectors are unable to document all defects in a home for …

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Ombudsman warns home buyers to take proven action

In rejecting an appeal against an insurance company for defective plumbing the …

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CoC issues with electrical installation and electric fence

Dear John, I recently bought a house with a non compliant electrical …

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why is customer always king

The consumer is king

The South Gauteng High Court has dismissed an urgent application with costs …

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Home Inspection

Home inspection: SA estate agents are laggards

Home inspection is really taking off in South Africa but estate agents …

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What makes HouseCheck different?

At HouseCheck, we believe home inspections should provide home buyers and sellers …

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High litigation costs a threat to incautious home buyers

The Oscar Pistorius and Shrien Dewani trials have highlighted the huge cost of …

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