Black mould on ceilings and walls

wallpaper, antique, damaged

HouseCheck home inspectors very often find black mould growing on the walls and ceilings of bathrooms and bedrooms.

John Graham CEO of HouseCheck explains that mould is a fungus.   Mould usually occurs in rooms such as bathrooms and bedrooms which are badly ventilated and which contain damp air (from shower steam or even from humans breathing during the night).

Mould spores can be unhealthy and therefore should be eliminated from inside homes.

The answer is to wash off the visible mould using an anti-fungal agent (a diluted solution of household bleach works well) and then to improve the cross ventilation of the room – by either leaving windows open, or by installing an extractor fan.  Mould also often grows on walls behind kitchen units and cupboards, or in the vicinity of an unvented tumble drier.

Moulds release spores and it is these spores that cause the allergic reactions in some people. Spores are microscopic particles which can cause allergic reactions such as rhinitis, itchy eyes, eczema and most importantly asthma.

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