Pre-Purchase Inspection Reports

This lower-fee report is designed for prospective purchasers who want to be sure that there is nothing seriously wrong with the property which they are interested in buying.
The HouseCheck Pre-Purchase Report only documents and evaluates “material” (significant) defects.  Cosmetic and minor defects are not reported on.

What your Vital Inspection Report will cover?

Only “Vital Areas of Concern” are mentioned in HouseCheck’s VITAL INSPECTION reports. In HouseCheck’s Comprehensive and Specific Area reports, in addition to Vital Areas of Concern, HouseCheck also documents minor damage and defects and maintenance issues, together with cost estimates (where appropriate) for repair/replacement.

Vital Areas of Concern

In HouseCheck reports this means: “A safety, functional or structural issue which, in the opinion of the HouseCheck inspector, requires prompt remedial attention to preserve the essential safety, functional or structural integrity of the property or major installation in question.”
Typically “Vital areas of concern” are those issues which are likely to precipitate major damage or a safety risk in the near future and which are likely to materially affect the safety, functionality or structure of the installation or area. Such issues are frequently NOT patently obvious to any observant layman after carefully viewing the property.
Examples of VITAL areas of concern which should be documented in a VITAL report are: Structural cracks, or measured active damp; roof leaks, or illegal or unsafe geyser, glazing, electrical and gas installations.

This VITAL inspection report is popular among estate agents and property sellers.

The VITAL INSPECTION REPORT is increasingly used by sellers and agents as a more reliable alternative to the usual “Mandatory Sellers Condition Declaration”, which theProperty Practitioners Act of 2019 Regulations require sellers to complete. This report surveys 22 key areas of the property and identifies “Serious Areas of Concern”. For the purpose of the VITAL repor “.
Serious Areas of Concern” are defects to important structures or installations which require prompt repair/replacement in order to preserve the main functional and safety integrity of the structure or installation.
HouseCheck reports satisfy the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act and also have definite advantages for professional estate agents who want fast, trouble-free sales and happy, satisfied buyers and sellers.

Our Happy Clients!

"I would recomend a HouseCheck to all Buyers."
Yolanda Mbola
"It gave me comfort that I wasn't getting into a bad purchase and also increased my bargaining power over the purchase price"
Wilson  Baloyi
"It helped me make an informed decision in regard to the defects and the way forward as well as re-negotiating the offer to purchase based on the report observations."
Faith  Kolala

Quotes in a few minutes

We need all the details in this quote request form to quote you accurately. It takes on average a few minutes to email your quote to you after filling in the form. Industrial properties and specialised quotes may take longer.

Frequently Asked questions

We recommend that buyers make their offer to purchase (OTP) subject to a satisfactory HouseCheck.  

No house is perfect and your HouseCheck report will separate Vital defects which need immediate attention and maintenance issues which you can handle over time.  We include cost estimates for both. This is your negotiating tool.

HouseCheck finds a variety of situations. Whilst most of our clients are buyers, we also have sellers paying for inspections and occasionally estate agents as well.  Until 2020 buyers were prejudiced by the voetstoots clause and therefore it was and is still in their interests to get a HouseCheck.

Sellers and Agents are at risk under the Property Practitioners Act of 2019  and the associated regulations. Therefore more and more agents and sellers are initiating inspections.

No, but now that you know what the defects will cost to repair, you can check if the property is priced at a reasonable level.

A seller may also offer to correct the defects prior to the sale. Your agent may advise that despite the defects you still have a good buy given that the comparative market analysis indicates that the property could sell for more. Some sellers price for a quick sale.

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