Maintenance Home Inspection

Building owners and insurance companies are exposed to financial risk when building components fail.  Increasingly insurance companies  repudiate claims where incorrect installation or lack of maintenance can be shown.


It is the job of the building inspector to help manage and minimise that risk by providing comprehensive and accurate information regarding the anticipated maintenance requirements of every component of a building.


Planned maintenance

The right approach to cost-effective long-term maintenance of a property is to plan effectively and systematically and then to stick to the plan:


  • First ensure that the design and site workmanship of the building meets acceptable standards of quality. Quality management of a building should begin when the building is first designed and built, or when the building is first purchased.


A HouseCheck pre-purchase comprehensive inspection report  is the ideal tool for a property owner to use when planning a future maintenance programme.


  • The best approach is for the property owner to institute a planned programme of inspection and required maintenance of all building components.  


Unplanned maintenance or repairs, which happens when building components fail unexpectedly is both disruptive and often much more expensive.  Tradesmen charge a lot more for emergency call-outs.


Preventive maintenance, on the other hand, when carried out at predetermined intervals or corresponding to prescribed criteria is intended to reduce the probability of failure or the performance degradation of an item.


If you require any other services or information from HouseCheck then please go to our home inspections services page

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